Our Sponsors

We are grateful for the generous sponsors who make our season possible.

If you would like to advertise in our program please contact us  for further information.

Bob Downey and Sons — 11408 Whittier Blvd., Whittier 562-692-7214 www.westwhittierpaint.com

And donors like YOU…

$1,000 or more

LA County Supervisors through the Department of Arts & Culture

Beth Camarco & Bob Wheeler

$100 – $999

Marlene Ackermann
Rodney & Susan Arp
Virginia Ball
William Beach
Candace & Thomas Beck
Patrick & Shirley Boyle
Damon & Mary Jo Di Ruscio
Susan Eiden

Ronald Fox
Doug & Susan Halliday
Ralph & Carol Hansen
Virginia Jacobs
Chris Lakey
Roxie Lee
Evelyn Leong
Richard Lindsey
Marian Locke

Lois McKinney
Maurice Meysenburg
Richard Murphy
Michael A. Perovich

Leslie Pittman
Herman & JoAnn Travers
Brigitta Weger
Mahlon & Gwen Woirhaye
Don Yeomans

$50 – $99

Bruce & Stacy Cameron
Cleta Cohen
Larry & Pam Dancer
Richard De Vicariis & Rick Frohling

Joan Frederickson
Sandra Herron
Sean & Dianne McCarley

Glenn Osborne
Gloria Petricko

Donna Smith
Randi Tahara
Marion Vitone
Bonnie Zanardi

Up to $50

Esther Bane
Irene Bazan
Doug & Sharon Branson
Kimla Brecht
Jeanne Day
Cathy Doub

Suzanne Frederickson
Joe Curtis & Barbara Goldman
Kathel Harris
Maureen James
John Kattari
John & Charlotte Millett

Linda Monsen
Rosalie Nuanes
Francine Rippy
Joshua Sharer-Martin
Margie Wann
Richard Warner
Hildegarde Weck