We are grateful for the generous sponsors who make our season possible.
If you would like to advertise in our program please contact us for further information.
Bob Downey and Sons — 11408 Whittier Blvd., Whittier 562-692-7214 www.westwhittierpaint.com
And donors like YOU…
$1,000 or more
LA County Supervisors through the Department of Arts & Culture
Beth Camarco & Bob Wheeler
$100 – $999
Marlene Ackermann
Rodney & Susan Arp
Virginia Ball
William Beach
Candace & Thomas Beck
Patrick & Shirley Boyle
Damon & Mary Jo Di Ruscio
Susan Eiden
Ronald Fox
Doug & Susan Halliday
Ralph & Carol Hansen
Virginia Jacobs
Chris Lakey
Roxie Lee
Evelyn Leong
Richard Lindsey
Marian Locke
Lois McKinney
Maurice Meysenburg
Richard Murphy
Michael A. Perovich
Leslie Pittman
Herman & JoAnn Travers
Brigitta Weger
Mahlon & Gwen Woirhaye
Don Yeomans
$50 – $99
Bruce & Stacy Cameron
Cleta Cohen
Larry & Pam Dancer
Richard De Vicariis & Rick Frohling
Joan Frederickson
Sandra Herron
Sean & Dianne McCarley
Glenn Osborne
Gloria Petricko
Donna Smith
Randi Tahara
Marion Vitone
Bonnie Zanardi
Up to $50
Esther Bane
Irene Bazan
Doug & Sharon Branson
Kimla Brecht
Jeanne Day
Cathy Doub
Suzanne Frederickson
Joe Curtis & Barbara Goldman
Kathel Harris
Maureen James
John Kattari
John & Charlotte Millett
Linda Monsen
Rosalie Nuanes
Francine Rippy
Joshua Sharer-Martin
Margie Wann
Richard Warner
Hildegarde Weck